Tuesday, April 1, 2014

May 8, 2013      Exploring our Clonakilty Beach, Clonakilty, Timoleague Abbey and Courtmacsherry

Part One
Surprisingly, I wake up by 8:00 a.m. and I'm in awe of the breathtaking site I see from my bedroom window.  Just who gets to wake up and see this every day??  Today and for the next several days, I'm happy to say "that would be me!" 

Off to my right, I can see our dairy neighbor's Fresian herd, also known as Holstein cattle, on top of the hills.  I'm guessing the herd has already been milked and turned back out to pasture to graze.  Notice how the fields are divided.  Each field is sectioned off with a row of stone walls.  From the airplane looking down on the fields, they looked like a "patchwork quilt."


Houses are tucked in amongst the green, hilly scenery.  What a view!!

I smell coffee, following the smell leads me downstairs where I find Wayne.  He has finished breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast and coffee.  Yep...not even in Ireland does the man change his breakfast choice.  As I enjoy my coffee, this is my view from the kitchen window. 

Wayne is ready to explore, so off we go.  Our first steps lead us to pass our other neighbors, "The Germans."  They were away on sabbatical so we didn't get to meet them.  Anyways...their home is very neat and tidy, very quaint, and we continue down the path towards the beach.


 A wire cage encloses rock which is the
retaining wall to shore the earth.  This job looks hand done...lots of work there.  Looking up the hill from our beach view...another view of
"Do No More."

While we are exploring the beach, Jerry is up at "Do No More" taking pics of us.  Sure is a chilly morning this 8th day of May, but the sun is shining.  It is interesting how the outgoing surf, leaves little pools of water with all kinds of unique little sea creatures.    Lots of moss and seaweed cover the rocks.

Wayne and I attempt
to pry one of the white shells from the
rocks.  I'm thinking they are Irish Clams/Muscles, and they are stuck like glue.
Spoke too soon about the sun, it is beginning to rain. One last photo of Wayne,  before heading back up to the house.

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